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RabbitMQ is a reliable message and streaming broker. You can configure RabbitMQ for your Devbox project by using our official RabbitMQ Plugin

Adding RabbitMQ to your shell

You can start by adding the RabbitMQ server to your project by running devbox add rabbitmq-server.

    "packages": [

You can then add the RabbitMQ Plugin to your devbox.json by adding it to your include list:

    "include": [

Adding these packages and the plugin will configure Devbox for working with RabbitMQ.

Starting the RabbitMQ Service

The RabbitMQ plugin will automatically create a service for you that can be run with devbox service up. The process-compose.yaml for this service is shown below:

command: "rabbitmq-server"
restart: on_failure
max_restarts: 5
daemon: true
command: "rabbitmqctl shutdown"
command: "tail -f $RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE/$RABBITMQ_NODENAME@$(hostname -s).log"
restart: "always"

The rabbitmq process starts the server as a daemon in the background, and shuts it down whenever you terminate process compose. The rabbitmq-logs service will tail the logs of process-compose, and display them in the process-compose UI. You can configure the services by modifying the environment variables as described below.

If you want to create your own version of the RabbitMQ service, you can create a process-compose.yaml in your project's root, and define a new process named rabbitmq. For more details, see the process-compose documentation

Environment Variables

The plugin will create the following environment variables:

RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE = {{.DevboxDir}}/conf.d
# Points to the directory containing your rabbitmq.conf file
RABBITMQ_MNESIA_BASE = {{.Virtenv}}/mnesia
# Points to the directory where your node database store, and state files will be kept. Changing this variable is not recommended
RABBITMQ_ENABLED_PLUGINS_FILE = {{.DevboxDir}}/conf.d/enabled_plugins
# Tells rabbit mq where to store the file with your enabled plugins
RABBITMQ_LOG_BASE = {{.Virtenv}}/log
# Where the logs for your RabbitMQ instance will be stored
# Default nodename for your rabbitmq instance. This variable is used in other settings
RABBITMQ_PID_FILE = {{.Virtenv}}/pid/$
# Creates RabbitMQ's pidfile in a local directory for your project. Changing this is not recommended.

You can override the default values of these variables using the env section of your devbox.json file. For a full list of environment variables used by RabbitMQ, see the RabbitMQ Configuration Docs.


The plugin will also create a default rabbitmq.conf file in your devbox.d directory, if one doesn't already exist there. This default file serves as a starting point, and you can modify it as needed.

For a full list of configuration options, see the RabbitMQ Configuration Docs