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devbox services up

Starts process-compose and runs all the services in your project. If a list of services is specified in the arguments, only those services will be started.

devbox services up [services]... [flags]

This command will launch the process-compose TUI in the foreground. To run process-compose and your services in the background, use the -b flag.

Once your services are running, you can manage them using services start, services stop, and services restart.


# Start all services with process compose in the foreground
devbox services up

#Start all services with process compose in the background
devbox services up -b

# Start only the web service with process compose in the foreground
devbox services up web


-b, --backgroundRun service in background
-c, --config stringpath to directory containing a devbox.json config file
-e, --env stringToStringenvironment variables to set in the devbox environment (default [])
--env-file stringpath to a file containing environment variables to set in the devbox environment
-h, --helphelp for up
--pcflags stringArrayadditional flags to pass directly to process-compose
-p, --pcport intspecify the port for process-compose to use. You can also set the pcport by exporting DEVBOX_PC_PORT_NUM
--process-compose-file stringpath to process compose file or directory containing process compose-file.yaml|yml. Default is directory containing devbox.json
-q, --quietQuiet mode: Suppresses logs.