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devbox global

Top level command for managing global packages.

You can use devbox global to install packages that you want to use across all your local devbox projects. For example -- if you usually use ripgrep for searching in all your projects, you can use devbox global add ripgrep to make it available whenever you start a devbox shell without adding it to each project's devbox.json.

You can also use Devbox as a global package manager by adding the following line to your shellrc:

eval "$(devbox global shellenv)"

For more details, see Use Devbox as your Primary Package Manager.

devbox global <subcommand> [flags]


-c, --config stringpath to directory containing a devbox.json config file
-h, --helphelp for generate
-q, --quietQuiet mode: Suppresses logs.



  • devbox - Instant, easy, predictable development environments