Starting Jetify Devspaces
From Your Dashboard
If you have not created a Devspace before, you will need to link your Github Account first in order to grant us permissions to access your repositories.
- Navigate to the Jetify Dashboard and clicking on the "Connect Github Repository" button.
- After signing in with Github, you will need to give the Jetify Cloud Github App permissions to access and create repositories on your account.
To create a new Jetify Devspace from your Jetify Dashboard:
- Click "+ Create New" button on the top right corner of the page.
- In the modal that appears, enter the URL of the Github repository you want to use for your Devspace.
- Click "Create Devspace" to start your new Devspace
Once you've created a Devspace, you can access it from the Devspace list in your Dashboard.
With a Github URL
You can start Jetify Devspace from any Github Repo by prepending the repo URL with:
For example, you can open the Devbox repo in a Jetify Devspace by opening the following URL in your browser:
From a Template
A full list of available templates and projects can be found in the Devbox Examples page of our documentation.
From a Project
If you've already created a project in the Jetify Dashboard, you can start a new Devspace from the project by navigating to the project and clicking on the "+ Create New" button. This will create a new Devspace using the project's configuration and secrets.