Devlog This Week #16: Authenticating from the CLI with OAuth 2.0 In our final Devlog for 2023, we discuss building an OAuth 2.0 authentication flow and implementing PKCE for the Devbox CLI.
Devlog This Week #15: Devbox 0.8.4 + Offline Shells This week from A new Devbox release, how we use the Nix Store + caching to enable offline shells, and running a remote bug bash
Devlog This Week #14: JSON Schemas, Devbox 0.8.3, and Non-default Outputs This week from the Jetpack Team: JSON Schemas for devbox configs, Devbox 0.8.3 release, and how to install non-default outputs from Nix packages
Devlog This Week #13: 0.8 Release, Unified APIs, and TypeID usability This week in Devbox: Devbox 0.8.0 release, building a Unified API service, and improving type-id for Golang
Devlog This Week #12: Devbox 0.8, OAuth Integrations, and more This week: Devbox 0.8 + removing binwrappers, integrating with Github OAuth and Google Cloud, and more
Devlog This Week #11: New cycle, removing binwrappers, and comment support! This week: kicking off a new cycle focused on: authentication + secrets polish, removing binwrappers from Devbox. Also coming soon: comments and trailing commas in devbox.json!
Devlog This Week #10: Devbox 0.7, fixing glibc errors, and more This week: Perf improvements in Devbox 0.7, fixing glibc errors in interpreted languages, and updates on auth, payments, and secrets
Devlog This Week #9: Devbox 0.6, perf improvements, secrets and deploys This week from the Jetpack: Faster package installs with Devbox 0.6, upcoming perf improvements in 0.7, Nixhub index fixes, and progress on secrets + deployments.
Devlog This Week #8: Secrets + Auth Cleanup, Deploying Search w/ Devbox, New Release This week from the Jetpack team: releasing Devbox 0.5.14, polishing our UI for the upcoming Secrets beta, testing Devbox Deploys with Nixhub.
Devlog This Week #7: Faster CI Builds, Secrets, Devbox Deploys This week from the Jetpack team: cutting Devbox CI build times by 66%, plus updates on Secrets and Devbox Deploys
Devlog This Week #6: Secrets, pre-built packages, Devbox cloud dashboard This week from the Jetpack team -- filtering prebuilt-packages in our search index. Progress on secrets + devbox cloud dashboard, PoC for Devbox deploy, and more
Devlog This Week #5: New Release, Authentication, Dynamic Linking This week from the Jetpack Team: new Devbox release, authentication flow work, and investigations into dynamic linking w/ Nix
Devlog This Week #4: Authentication, and pre-built packages index Lucille Last week, I created a login flow on the website using Stytch. This week, I focused on implementing token auto-refresh logic and building OAuth endpoints for Daniel’s authentication CLI. Since Monday, my brain was jumping around organization creation, regular auth, Jetpack as an identity provider, our oauth providers,
Devlog This Week #3: Devbox Templates, Identity Federation, Secrets This week we finished most of our work on Devbox Templates, making it easy to start new projects from the website using a ready-made template. We also continued exploring how identity federation can work and how we could integrate that with our secrets functionality. John Returned Tuesday from a vacation
Devlog This Week #2: Templates, Secrets, OS Packages This week was planning week: every 3 weeks we take some time to plan what are we going to work on next. I focused on two things this week. Daniel This week I focused on planning around two areas: 1. Authentication: How should authentication of our products evolve to support
Devlog This Week #1: Working in the Open At we're big believers of Working In The Open. Starting this week we want to give our users more insights into what we're working on by sharing weekly updates, highlighting some of the work that each of our team members have been doing. The biggest highlight this week